Anderlecht pay Bayat, who unblocks the Anderlecht account

THURSDAY, 20 JUNE 2019, 20:02 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

OTHER Mogi Bayat no longer has 1.7 million euros blocked on an Anderlecht account. The agent still needed that amount from purple and white for help with transfers. The new board has now paid a part of the sum.

Marc Coucke and co had a lot of reservations about the role of Bayat and what he received at various transfers. A consequence of the Affair Zero. It then temporarily stopped payments to Bayat and other agent. Bayat went to court and seized 1.7 million euros from the Purple & White.

In the meantime, the new board has paid Bayats fees for the transfers it considers sufficiently transparent after investigation.

Anderlecht refuse to cooperate with Bayat, unless there is no other option. Appiah, Trebel, Kara and Thelin are represented by the Iranian Belgian. To sell them, Bayat has to come to the table. But not on behalf of Anderlecht, but on behalf of the player.

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