Close: "I pay for my RSCA season ticket"

WEDNESDAY, 29 JANUARY 2020, 20:53 - lajoya
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INTERVIEWS Philippe Close had to defend his mandate at the board of directors of RSC Anderlecht at the Brussels city council. Close clarified that he mainly assumed the mandate to bring the club closer to the Brussels neighborhoods and the youth present there and that he has no financial advantage with the mandate.

Opposition members David Weytsman (MR), Bianca Debaets (CD&V) and Mathias Vanden Borre (N-VA) had questions about Close's decision to become a member of the board of directors of Anderlecht. The opposition fears conflicts of interest, excessive cumulation of functions and a questionable approach at ethical level.

"If you ask me if I want to encourage RSC Anderlecht to go to the Brussels neighborhoods and to have more contact with the Brussels youth, then my answer without reservation is yes," Close responded to the questions. "Moreover, it is an unpaid mandate and four to five meetings a year. So financially, I don't get any benefit from the mandate, and I continue to pay for my club season ticket."

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