Derijck: "Sorry, I was wrong".

FRIDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2022, 19:07 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

OTHER After watching the footage, Timothy Derijck realized that he had committed a very serious foul on Fabio Silva after all. At halftime, he still minimized the foul. But via Instagram after the match, he apologized and admitted to having been at fault.

With only yellow, Derijck got away very well with the penalty foul he committed on Fabio Silva. Although he felt in the flash interview at halftime that it wasn't that bad. "If that's yellow or red, we as Belgian soccer should look at the other leagues. That's never penalty," Eleven Sports echoed.

After the match, Derijck thought otherwise. "At the moment you think it's no big deal, until you see the footage," Derijck captioned. "Sorry Fabio Silva, Anderlecht and Eleven Sports."

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