Boeckx: 'Begged Verbeke not to let Verbruggen go'

FRIDAY, 7 APRIL 2023, 19:59 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

INTERVIEWS As of this week, Frank Boeckx is no longer working with Bart Verbruggen, but the former Anderlecht goalkeeper coach is very wild about the Dutch goalkeeper. "He has the potential to become one of the best goalkeepers in the world," he said.

In the papers, Boeckx says he had to scout Verbruggen when he was still playing at NAC and was convinced after the warm-up and sent through a positive report. "What I saw there, you don't see often," Boeckx said.

When Verbruggen appeared to be on his way to Burnley last summer, Boeckx pulled out all the stops to make sure that didn't happen. "I begged Peter Verbeke on my bare knees not to let him go," Boeckx said. The goaltending coach compared Verbruggen to a bottle of excellent Italian wine. "By leaving that for a while and letting it mature, the price triples. That is what is also happening with Verbruggen."

But if you convince Verbruggen to stay, you also have to give him playing time. "When Brian Riemer took over, our season was as good as lost," Boeckx said. According to Boeckx, that was then the right time to give Verbruggen his chance for a few games.

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