Fanboard (and Anderlecht) want more games on Saturdays

THURSDAY, 1 JUNE 2023, 21:13 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

OTHER During the Fanboard's meeting, the question came up about the possibility of playing more games on Saturday (evening). The Fanboard explicitly asked the club to put this question on the table with the Pro League. Anderlecht made it clear that it also wants this, but fears for the feasibility.

Games on Saturday are more commercially interesting than on Sunday, according to the club. 

However, the chances of having (more) home games on Saturday next season seem slim. There are now three Brussels clubs in the top division and a lot of events take place in Brussels on Saturdays. 

Anderlecht will continue to insist, the club told me, "but security, TV calendar distribution of police manpower and many other elements take priority in that decision."

Source: © Internal source

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