Riemer: "Canos? Getting a Premier League player takes time"

FRIDAY, 14 JULY 2023, 14:49 - lajoya
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INTERVIEWS Speaking to Het Nieuwsblad, Brian Riemer confirms interest in Sergi Canos. Reports that the flanker would prefer to move to Valencia do not worry Riemer. "You shouldn't believe everything you hear and read," he says.

Riemer says he has known Canos since he was 20, when he arrived at Brentford. "I knew him like he was a son to me," said the Anderlecht coach.

According to Riemer, Canos is looking for stability because he recently lost his mother. "I'm sure he has ears for the Anderlecht project," Riemer told Het Nieuwsblad. "But getting a player from the Premier League, that takes time."

So Riemer is hoping for Canos' arrival, but cannot promise anything. "We will see soon," he said.

Source: © Internal source

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