Anderlecht to appeal penalty

FRIDAY, 15 MARCH 2024, 08:23 - emjomi
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

OTHER Anderlecht will soon announce what steps it intends to take against the decision to have to play a match behind closed doors, according to Het Laatste Nieuws. The Disciplinary Committee of the KBVB punished Anderlecht last week for the problems with supporters in the cup match against Standard in December. Standard also received the same punishment.

Anderlecht finds especially the timing of the ruling very disadvantageous. Playing a match without a crowd means a loss of around €850,000 in the Champions playoffs. The conditional sanction of three matches behind closed doors is also something Anderlecht does not agree with since the Federal Prosecutor's Office had not requested this punishment.

Anderlecht hopes that the penalty, if retained, will be postponed to next season. A ruling on the case may not follow until mid-April.

Source: © Internal source