Broos talks about Valencia

MONDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2004, 09:26 - D.A.B.
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Valencia was scouted against Bilbao (2-2), Porto (Supercup) and Villarreal (2-1). Broos concluded that Valencia don't have real super stars, but that they form a very strong collective block.

"Pablo Aimar and Mista are the only stars in the team. But it's well known that Valencia always try to build a strong and complementary team. Franky Vercauteren already told me that because he followed his trainer course there. It's a difficult team to play against."

But the Anderlecht-trainer doesn't want to defend the zero in Spain. It's even possible that he'll start with Mpenza, Aruna and Jestrovic. "We'll try to hurt Valencia. Like last year in Bayern, but with a better result then."

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