Less foreigners in our Belgian league?

WEDNESDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER 2004, 17:29 - Skyhawk
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

National coach Aimé Anthuenis launched a plan to reduce the number of foreigners in the Belgian league. He explained it all on a media conference of the VUB (Free University of Brussels).

"In the first year, 6 of the 18 players in the A-team should be Belgian. In the second year, it should be 9-9 going to Belgians on 18 players in the 3rd year. By spreading the whole thing over 3 years, the clubs will be able to adapt", said Anthuenis.

But can this kind of plan be realised succesfully? What about the level of our domestic league? There aren't too much superb Belgian players and the best ones can't be paid by our top-clubs... So it's most likely the plan will be refused by the Profliga (= organisation of all Belgian first division teams).

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