No away supporters between Anderlecht and Standard until mid-2025

MONDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2023, 17:45 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

OTHER In an official announcement, Anderlecht announces that they and Standard have decided not to allow any more away supporters in their mutual confrontations until mid-2025. The immediate cause was last Thursday's incidents during the cup duel, but in the recent past the match in Liege was already permanently stopped twice due to problems. Both clubs therefore decided to introduce a reflection period for their away supporters.

"On 29/11/2017, the cup match RSCA - Standard was temporarily halted. On 12/04/2019, the playoff match Standard - RSCA was permanently halted. On 23/10/2022, the Standard - RSCA league match was again permanently halted and last Thursday, the RSCA - Standard cup match was temporarily halted," Anderlecht's website stated.

Due to this accumulation of incidents, the clubs have decided to have some sort of reflection period until the end of the 2024-2025 season. There is a chance, however, that the two clubs will not meet again this season.

Both clubs obviously regret the decision because they realize that by doing so, they are also affecting supporters who go to watch the match with good intentions. The decision will be handed over to the Pro League and the RBFA today.

Source: © Internal source

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