De Boeck convicted for speeding and drink driving

THURSDAY, 8 JANUARY 2004, 16:45 - D.A.B.
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The Court of Antwerp convicted Glenn De Boeck to a suspended fine and a driving prohibition of 15 days because he caused an accident on June 24 (in Antwerp).

At the time of the accident, De Boeck was drunk driving at high speed. He hit a stopped car in the back around 6:50pm. One person got injured. A damage claim of 1,341.75 euro was handed out to the victims.

The fine for speeding is suspended and goes up to 250 euro. For the alcohol intoxication, De Boeck has to pay 1.000 euro. Another 1.000 euro of the fine is suspended. On top of that, he got a driving prohibition of 15 days.

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