Mazzu: "1B is not a punishment"

SATURDAY, 30 JULY 2022, 10:33 - lajoya
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INTERVIEWS Felice Mazzu's selection includes many young players, but due to the high competition they will often have to content themselves with a role as substitute. The fact that the U23s are playing in 1B this season is a great opportunity.

"The youth players here have a lot of qualities," Felice Mazzu said at his press conference. "It is important that when they are not playing with the A team, they are able to play with the Futures in 1B. To get playing minutes and rhythm."

"And that's certainly not a punishment," Mazzu emphasises. "It's to gain experience. In the coming weeks and games, we'll see who will be with the first team and who will be with the Futures."

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