Anderlecht knows possible opponents in Europe

MONDAY, 1 AUGUST 2022, 18:04 - lajoya
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OTHER Although Anderlecht first has to eliminate Estonian Paide Linnameeskond, it already knows its possible opponents for the final qualifying round in the Conference League. If Anderlecht wants to reach the group stage, it will need some luck during tomorrow's draw.

Anderlecht might be drawn against West Ham United. Other possible opponents are AZ, Young Boys, Molde and Slovacko. Just like last year, the last qualifying round will be a tough one for Anderlecht.

Anderlecht can be drawn against:
West Ham (England)
Winner AZ (the Netherlands) - Dundee (Scotland)
Winner Young Boys (Switzerland) - KuPS Kuopio (Finland)
Winner Molde (Norway) - Kisvarda FC (Hungary)
Loser Fenerbahce (Turkey) - 1 FC Slovacko (Czech Republic)

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