Murillo in talks with Botafogo

THURSDAY, 5 JANUARY 2023, 18:06 - lajoya
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OTHER Brazil's Globo, a major medium in the country, with that Botafogo have started negotiations with Amir Murillo. Talks are also underway with Giovanni González, a right-back from Mallorca. One of the two should become Botafogo's new right-back

With both Murillo and Gonzalez, Botafogo wants a loan with an option to buy. The deal that comes around first will take place. It is not Botafogo's intention to attract both. According to Globo, a deal with Gonzalez is most likely to succeed. Unlike Murillo, he is not a base player at his club.

Indeed, the question is to what extent Anderlecht is willing to cooperate on Murillo's departure. Although the Panamanian has not reached his level of his first weeks with Anderlecht for a while now, he is fairly indispensable as he is the only right-back in the core. Ishaq Abdulrazak, brought in in the summer as a rival to Murillo, is disappointing and at the RSCA Futures meanwhile is seen as a defensive midfielder.

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