Anderlecht sees youth players moving to Benfica and Juventus

TUESDAY, 8 AUGUST 2023, 19:46 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

YOUTH - TRANSFERS With Kenny Liema (photo) and Michée Ndembi, Anderlecht are two 16-year-old youth players making a very striking transfer. Liema is almost certainly moving to Juventus, while Ndembi is making the switch to Benfica.

Our Neerpede watcher DavidBxl finds both transfers very remarkable. According to him, neither of the two stood out in last season's U16 team.

"Liema's situation is similar to that of Aaron Murenzi, who moved to Genk," says David. "Anderle had not yet offered them a professional contract, perhaps because it wanted to wait and see their evolution. Both players therefore decided to look for a club where they could sign it."

Liema, who played for Anderlecht since 2016, is a defensive midfielder who according to David has a good vista and had a good year with the U16. "But it's not like he was one of the pioneers in the good season this team had."

The move from Ndembi to Benfica surprises David even more. "He didn't really stand out in the 2007 generation. Going to Benfica surprises everyone. Considering he was often injured and given his performance, it's really remarkable that he managed to convince this prestigious club," said David.

Source: © Internal source

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