GAMES Anderlecht lost 2-1 at Club Brugge. Purple and white were outplayed the entire match by a more aggressive Bruges that failed to extend the score several times. Anderlecht hardly played an attack together but in the closing stages it suddenly became exciting after Simic mitigated. In the final minute, both Vazquez and Zanka could have scored. Zanka's chance in particular should have always ended up in goal.
Dreyer shot a first opportunity half a meter wide and then match seemed to go quietly until the 8th minute. Stroeykens troubled Simic with an incomprehensible and nasty pass. Tzolis immediately put the Serbian under pressure and Vermant was played on. The striker, who was completely free, did not hesitate to score.
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A reaction is urgently needed next week in the Croky Cup and then in the league against Kortrijk. That the board made some serious errors of judgement in the transfer summer has been clear for some time, but the players must realize that this way it will be very difficult to reach the Champions Play-offs. This Anderlecht simply cannot afford to start a match with less than 100% commitment.
90'+7: On the corner that follows, Zanka misses a huge chance from close range. The Dane hits a ball totally wrong from thirty centimeters from the goal line. This always should have been the 2-2.
90'+7: De Cuyper prevents Vazquez from scoring.
90'+4: Ashimeru plays back badly and the way is open for the 3-1, but Coosemans still returns.
90'+2: Skoras misses a great breakout chance.
87': 2-1. Simic scores with his head on free kick.
76': Vermant takes a ball over in time. The attempt lands just over goal.
75: 2-0. The substituted Talbi scores. Vanaken sends Talbi deep who easily circles the far too far out Coosemans. A second gift goal.
72': Brugge is less often threatening than before halftime, but remains regularly dangerous.
67': Vazquez and Edozie replace Dolberg and Stroeykens.
65': A good cross from Sardella, but nobody can do anything with it.
62': Skov Olsen has time and space, but delivers a weak shot.
57': Finally a save from Mignolet. Stroeykens gets a chance, but kicks too weakly.
57': Amuzu and Ashimeru fill in for Verschaeren and Leoni.
48': Tzolis pushes a cross at the second post into goal after Skov Olson gets all the space he needs on the flank. VAR again takes a long look at offside and disallows the goal. Anderlecht escapes again.
46': Hubert makes no substitutions.
45'+3: Stroeykens defends tremendously sloppy. Coosemans pushes a shot by Onyedika into corner.
44': Rits defuses a great chance for Brugge with a tackle.
39': The lines are again far too far apart for Purple White.
36': N'Diaye just plays into the feet of Skov Olson, but recovers his mistake.
35': Mignolet serves De Cuyper who crosses. Vermant heads over.
34': Bruges cuts through the defense of Purple and White like a knife in butter. Sardella handles in corner.
33': Anderlecht does not put any pressure on Brugge's players.
32': Anderlecht finally advances. Stroeykens crosses to the second post, but no one is there.
29': Vanaken is completely free and heads over.
28': Coosemans saves again. N'Diaye handles in corner kick.
28': Coosemans pushes a shot by Tzolis into corner kick. Good save from the goalkeeper.
27': Shot Jashari half a meter over goal.
25': Anderlecht is completely blown away on the basis of dueling power and aggressiveness.
22': Hubert is busy scoring. This way it's waiting for the 2-0.
20': Coosemans defuses a low and dangerous cross from Vermant.
16': Tzolis shoots at goal, but Coosemans saves easily.
12': Anderlecht does not get into the duels.
9': 1-0 Vermant. Stroeykens gives a very nasty pass to Simic who is immediately pressured and fouled. Tzolis serves Vermant who stands all alone and does not miss this opportunity. The VAR still checks for offside, but the goal counts. Stroeykens has as much butter on his head here as Simic.
2': Dreyer kicks half a meter wide. Still quite a nice shooting chance.
Score: 2-1
Goal(s): 1-0 Vermant (9'), 2-0 Talbi (75'), 2-1 Simic (87')
Club Brugge:Mignolet, Seys (Sabbe 68'), Ordoñez, Mechele, De Cuyper, Onyedika, Jashari (Spileers 90'+3), Vanaken, Skov Olsen (Talbi 68'), Tzolis (Skoras 79'), Vermant (Jutgla 79')
Anderlecht:Coosemans, Sardella, Simic, Dendoncker, N'Diaye (Zanka 90'), Rits, Verschaeren (Amuzu 57'), Leoni (Ashimeru 57'), Stroeykens (Edozie 67'), Dreyer, Dolberg (Vazquez 67')
Yellow: Leoni 45'+2, Dendoncker 53', Dolberg 54'
Referee:Jasper Vergoote
Stadium: Jan Breydel Stadium
Source: © Internal source
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